The Singers Musical Theatre Anthology vol.4 for baritone / bass and piano

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Informationen zu "The Singers Musical Theatre Anthology vol.4 for baritone / bass and piano"

Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00000396
EAN: 9781423400264
ISBN: 978-1-423-40026-4


Walters, Richard, ed
A Fellow needs a Girl (Allegro)
I'm a bad bad Man (Annie get your gun)
Other Pleasures (Aspects of Love)
What do You do with a B.A. in English (Avenue Q)
I'm not wearing Underwear today (Avenue Q)
Fantasie comes true (Avenue Q)
Waitin' for the Light to Shine (Big River)
Put on a happy Face (Big River)
A lot of Livin' to do (Bye bye Birdie)
Masculinity (La cage aux folles)
I wonder what the King is doing tonight (Camelot)
Heroes all around (Elegies for Angels Punks and raging Queens)
The right Girl (Follies)
Bring me my Bride (A funny Thing happened on the Way to the Forum)
Greased Lightnin' (Grease)
Shouldn't I be less in Love with You (I love You You're perfect now change)
Those Canaan Days (Joseph and the amazing technicolor Dreamcoat)
What Chance have I with Love (Louisiana Purchase)
There's no Reason in the World (Milk and Honey)
Always look on the Bright Side of Life (Monty Python's Spamelot)
Ya got Trouble (The Music Man)
With a little Bit of Luck (My fair Lady)
Get me to the Church on Time (My fair Lady)
Wand'rin' Star (Paint your Wagon)
In old Bavaria (The Producers)
Along came Bialy (The Producers)
Haben Sie gehört das deutsche Band (Have You heard the German Band) (The
Make them hear You (Ragtime)
Marry me (The Rink)
A wonderful Day like today (The Roar of the Greasepaint The Smell of the
Who can I turn to when nobody needs me (The Roar of the Greasepaint The Smell
of the Crowd)
Molasses to Rum (1776)
Edelweiss (The Sound of Music)
Wonderful (Wicked)
I'll be here (The wild Party)
Relax (Wish You were here)
Sometimes a Day goes by (Woman of the Year)
A quiet Girl (Wonderful Town)
It's Love (Wonderful Town)
Charlie Brown's Kite (You're a good Man Charlie Brown)
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