Informationen zu "The Complete Lord's Prayer for voice and piano"
Verlag: G. Schirmer Inc
Verlagsnummer: HL50481088
EAN: 9780793553211
ISBN: 978-0-7935-5321-1
for Every Busy Accompanist
With this 15-version collection, you'll always be ready to play Albert Hay
Malotte's sacred classic anytime, anywhere, for anyone. The Revised Edition
of this indispensable book is now even more valuable. In addition toMalotte's
classic in five keys for solo voice and organ (E-flat, D-flat, C, B-flat, G),
the same five keys for solo voice and piano, and a solo piano and solo organ
arrangement, there are three vocal duet arrangements included soprano and
alto (which could be sung by a soprano and baritone), soprano and tenor, and
alto and baritone.