Diction Coach - Arias for Tenor (+4 CD's) for tenor and piano

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Informationen zu "Diction Coach - Arias for Tenor (+4 CD's) for tenor and piano"

Verlag: G. Schirmer Inc
Verlagsnummer: HL50498719
EAN: 9781480328518
ISBN: 978-1-480-32851-8


G. Schirmer Opera Anthology
Larsen, Robert L., ed
International phonetic Alphabet and Diction Lessons
Ach, So Fromm
Amor Ti Vieta
Amore O Grillo
Be Not Afeard
Che Gelida Manina
Com'E Gentil
Dal Labbro Il Canto
Dalla Sua Pace
De Miei Bollenti Spiriti
Dies Bildnis Ist Bezaubernd Schon
E La Solita Storia Del Pastore
Ecco Ridente In Ciclo
En Fermant Les Yeux
Firenze E Come Un Albero Fiorito
Frisch Zum Kampfe!
Horch, Die Lerche
I Know That You All Hate Me
Il Mio Tesoro
Inkslinger's Song
Je Crois Entendre Encore
La Donna E Mobile
La Fleur Que Tu M'Avais Jetee
Lenski's Aria
Lonely House
O Wie Angstlich
Outside This House
Pourquoi Me Reveiller
Quanto E Bella (The Elixir of Love)
Questa O Quella
Salut! Demeure Chaste Et Pure
Spirto Gentil
Un'Aura Amorosa
Una Furtiva Lagrima (The Elixir Of Love)
Vainemant, Ma Bien-Aimee
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