The Ultimate Gospel Songbook für Gesang und Klavier mit Bezifferung

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Informationen zu "The Ultimate Gospel Songbook für Gesang und Klavier mit Bezifferung"

Verlag: Zebe Publishing
Verlagsnummer: ZE1510
EAN: 9790700158026
ISMN: M-700158-02-6


Guillen, Jeff, ed
30 great Gospels and Spirituals
Amazing Grace


By an by


Deep River
Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel
Down by the Riverside
Ev'ry time i feel the Spirit
Free at last
Give me Jesus
Go down Moses
Go tell it on the Mountain
Good News
Good News in the Kingdom
The Gospeltrain
He never said a mumbling Word
He's got the whole World

I'm gonna sing

I'm on my Way

It's a me

Joshua fight the Battle of Jericho

Let us break Bread together

Michael row the Boat ashore

Nobody knows
Singing with a Sword
Somebody's knocking
Sometimes I feel
Were you there
When the Saints go marchin in
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