Anna Bolena Volume 1 and Volume 2 per canto e pianoforte 2 books

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Informationen zu "Anna Bolena Volume 1 and Volume 2 per canto e pianoforte 2 books"

Verlag: Ricordi Milano Casella postale 1262
Verlagsnummer: CP14036000
EAN: 9788875929787
ISBN: 978-88-7592-978-7
ISMN: M-041-40360-1


Fabbri, Paolo, ed
Vocal score based on the critical edition of the orchestral score edited by
Paolo Fabbri, 2 volumes. Donizettis Anna Bolena premiered at Milanos Teatro
Carcano during Carnival season 1830-31 is considered the composers first
major success in serious opera, which brought him to the attention of all
Europe. In terms of production, in Italy he was an anomaly, in that he
remained actively involved in the evolution of his works and the performances
of them, and went on making modifications to those works. Written expressly
for the interpretative and vocal talents of great singers like Giuditta Pasta
and Giovan Battista Rubini, the historically-based lyrical tragedy by
librettist Felice Romani is a classic of Lombard Romanticism. The present
reduction for voice and piano derives from the critical edition of the score,
recently published in this catalog: is based on the autograph score, (housed
in the Ricordi Archives in Milan), on the libretto for the premiere, on the
first vocal scores printed editions (Lucca and Ricordi in Milan and Marquerie
Frères in Paris) and additional manuscript scores with autograph additional
notes (housed in Naples and Rome). This edition presents for the first time
all the music composed by Donizetti, in particular the sections crossed out
or replaced either immediately before or after the first performances. There
is also a synthetic reconstruction of the birth of Anna Bolena, with a
description of sources and a selection of the Critical Notes from the full
score edition.
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