The pop singer's warm-up kit (+CD)
von Lis Lewis

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Informationen zu "The pop singer's warm-up kit (+CD)"

Komponist/Autor: Lis Lewis
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00315342
EAN: 9780634042973
ISBN: 978-0-634-04297-3


...because stardom takes practise

Essential vocal instruction for the pop singer, with terrific accompanying
audio that can be accessed online of a dozen warm-up exercises specific to
men and women. Each exercise begins with a sung example, then the piano plays
the exercise for you to sing. The exercises address: warming up your lower
and upper voice, connecting the two voices, loosening the throat, placing the
sound forward, relaxing the tongue, breath and volume control, increasing
your range, pitch accuracy, stabilizing the tone, and more. The book shows
the practical objectives of each exercise and gives helpful pointers for
success. Ideal for singers who aspire to American Idol!
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The pop singer's warm-up kit (+CD)The pop singer's warm-up kit (+CD)The pop singer's warm-up kit (+CD)