Informationen zu "Cello Time Sprinters for cello and piano piano accompaniment, revised edition 2014"
Komponist/Autor: Kathy Blackwell
Verlag: Oxford University Press Distribution Services
Verlagsnummer: 9780193404441
EAN: 9780193404441
ISBN: 978-0-19-340444-1
replacement for 9780193221161
Carnival jig
Spic and span
River song
Overture: A Baroque celebration
Going fourth
City streets
Metro line
Falling leaves
Holiday in Havana
Night shift
Le Tambourin (Rameau)
Beyond the horizon
Sto me
Andante (Elgar)
Joker in the pack
Comin' home
Sprint finish
Im memory
Some day
Wild West
Je pense à toi
Russian wedding
Two Songs from Dichterliebe (Schumann)
Latin nights
4th dimension
Fifth Avenue