Studio Ghibli Songs for cello and piano

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Informationen zu "Studio Ghibli Songs for cello and piano"

Verlag: Yamaha Music Entertainment Holdings, Inc.
Verlagsnummer: YMEHGPW01100360
EAN: 9784636102536
ISBN: 978-4-636-10253-6


If you are a Studio Ghibli fan and play an instrument, here it is! All time
favorite Studio Ghibli songs are arranged for cello (solo) and piano
(accompaniment). Includes 10 songs from Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind,
Castle in the Sky, My Neighbor Totoro, Kikis Delivery Service, Princess
Mononoke, Spirited Away, Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea, and Howls Moving
Castle. The book of a 40-page cello and piano score includes a separate
16-page cello solo part score. Perfect for casual piano playing scenes as
well as for online video live streaming, lessons, and recitals! Check out
more Studio Ghibli books available in the same series.
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