The Guitar Duos vol.13 and 14 for 2 guitars pocket score
von Fernando Sor

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Informationen zu "The Guitar Duos vol.13 and 14 for 2 guitars pocket score"

Komponist/Autor: Fernando Sor
Verlag: Guitar Heritage
Verlagsnummer: GHE815
EAN: 9783890448152
ISBN: 978-3-89044-815-2


Stenstadvold, Erik, ed
This item is not part of the set of 14 volumes, it is an optional extra, a
reduced size off-print of Volumes 13 and 14 from the collected edition.
Page size is approximately 76% of concert size and this is a quality offset
print with laminated covers and a thread-sewn binding.
All the original fingering is present, and no editorial fingering has been

Easy to intermediate Duos:
Sor, Fernando: Divertissement Op. 38
Sor, Fernando: 6 Valses par différens Auteurs arr. by Sor Op. 39
Sor, Fernando: 6 Valses Op. 44bis
Sor, Fernando: Divertissement Militaire Op. 49
Sor, Fernando: Le premier pas vers moi Petit Duo Op. 53
Sor, Fernando: 3 Duos Faciles et Progressifs Op. 55
Sor, Fernando: 3 Petits Divertissements Op. 61
Sor, Fernando: Bolero a Duo
Advanced Duos:
Sor, Fernando: LEncouragement Fantaisie Op. 34
Sor, Fernando: LEncouragement arr. by N. Coste Les Deux Amis Fantaisie Op. 41
Sor, Fernando: Fantaisie Op. 54bis
Sor, Fernando: Divertissement Op. 62
Sor, Fernando: Souvenir de Russie Fantaisie Op. 63.
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