Guitar School Ensemble Book vol.1 24 graded duets, trios and quartets (optional bass parts included)

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Informationen zu "Guitar School Ensemble Book vol.1 24 graded duets, trios and quartets (optional bass parts included)"

Verlag: Alfred Music Publishing GmbH
Verlagsnummer: ALF19461
EAN: 9780739012826
ISBN: 978-0-7390-1282-6


Snyder, Jerry (guitar school)

Allegro (Mozart)

Be thou with me (Bach)

Blues for dobbie (Snyder)

Canon (Bach)

Bona nox (Mozart)

Carol of the bells
Chanuka song
Country gardens
Gavotte 1 (Bach)
Go tell it on the mountain
Gymnopedie (Satie)
Kemp's jig
Melody (Sor)
Minuet (Bach)
Minuet (Krieger)
Russian dance (Tschaikowksy)
The sleep of the little doll (Barrios Mangore)
Some kind of sunset (Snyder)

St. anthony chorale (Haydn)

St. james infirmary (trad.)

Strawberry moon (Snyder)

Study (Giuliani)

West coast blues (snyder)
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