25 Scottish Airs for guitar
von Mark Houghton

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Informationen zu "25 Scottish Airs for guitar"

Komponist/Autor: Mark Houghton
Verlag: Les Productions d'Oz
Verlagsnummer: DZ908
EAN: 9782895008019
ISBN: 978-2-89500-801-9


Gloomy Winter's now away
Bonny wee Thing
Ye Banks and Braes o'Bonnie Doon
The Lass of Pattie's Mill
I met 4 Chaps yon Birks amang
Afton Water
My Nannie's awa'
Roy's Wife of Aldivalloch
O, Willi brewed a Peck o'Maut
My ain Fireside
The Braes aboon Bonaw
O lay thy Loof in mine, Lass
The Maid of Islay
Nae gentle Dames, though e'ere sae fair
The Lawland Lads think they are fine
Fair Scottland! Dear as Life to me
O were I on Parnassus Hill
Auld lang syne
O Charly is my Darling
The Flowers of the Forest
On cessnock Banks
Alistair Macalistair
The Campbell's are comin'
She rose and let me in
Scots, wha hae wi' wallace bled
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