Go for Guitar - Basic (+Online Audio) Introduction for guitar
von Joep Wanders

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Informationen zu "Go for Guitar - Basic (+Online Audio) Introduction for guitar"

Komponist/Autor: Joep Wanders
Verlag: Broekmans en van Poppel
Verlagsnummer: BVP1733
EAN: 9789082053272
ISBN: 978-90-8205-327-2


Go For...Basic describes the most common basic Guitar techniques. The
beginner is introduced to a wide range of styles: latin, classic, pop, rock,
jazz and folk music of different continents (world music).
You can play the pieces with CD accompaniment. The right hand can be played
with the classic technique. Choose the plectrum to prepare for the Electric
Music Box is a repeated section in which the student isasked to play and
notate a short tune.
Chord playing and accompaniment are also covered. The last part of the book
examines this aspect more closely. There are chord symbols for most of the
pieces, so that there isanaccompaniment without the included CD.
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