Classical Guitar Tunes (+Online Audio) for guitar
von Keith Calmes

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Informationen zu "Classical Guitar Tunes (+Online Audio) for guitar"

Komponist/Autor: Keith Calmes
Verlag: Mel Bay Publications
Verlagsnummer: MB30946M
EAN: 9781513466989
ISBN: 978-1-513-46698-9


Early Music Gems
This collection presents 51 carefully selected examples of Renaissance and
Baroque music ranging from lute and 5-course Baroque guitar works to solo and
ensemble vocal pieces and fiddle tunes. Much of this music lies outside of
the standard guitar repertoire yet is frequently played by ensembles at
Renaissance and Early Music festivals. For this book, guitarist/musicologist
Keith Calmes has tastefully arranged this splendid music for solo classic
guitar, including an outstanding downloadable companion audio recording.
Aficionados of Early Music will recognize many of the themes herein,
including the hit tunes of the day by Praetorius, Sanz, Cutting, Narvaez, and
the anonymous composer of Greensleeves. Have you ever wondered which Early
Music composers inspired Joaquin Rodrigos concertos? Those works are in here!
By contrast, many of these pieces will sound completely new, even to lifelong
guitarists. Written in standard notation only with ample fingering,
guitarists and audiences alike will appreciate the music in this book.
Includes access to online audio.
1. Adoro Devote
2. Alman
3. Bear Dance
4. Chestnut
5. Childgrove
6. Españoleta
7. Gavotte I
8. Gavotte II
9. Wilson?s Wilde
10. Volte
11. La Mantovana (An Italian Rant)
12. Tutte Venite Armati
13. Toy
14. To Drive the Cold Winter Away
15. St. Martin?s
16. Spagnoletta
17. Si Pour
18. Rujero
19. Rendez A Dieu
20. Pastourelle
21. Nachtanz
22. O Esca Viatorum
23. Folias
24. Grimstock
25. On the Cold Ground
26. La Cavalleria de Napoles
27. Kemp?s Jig
28. Dont vient cela
29. Come With Me, My Giselle
31. Ballade
32. Branle Double
33. Pavana
34. Moderto
35. Saltarello (Italiana)
36. Packington?s Pound
38. Guardame Las Vacas
39. Guardame las Vacas (Part 2)
40. Canarios
41. Ballet
42. The Canaries
43. Canaries
44. Down In Yon Banke
45. John, Come Kiss Me Now
46. Scotch Cap
47. The Beggar Boy
48. Parson?s Farewell
49. All In A Garden Green
50. Newcastle
51. The Queen?s Treble (A Dump)
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