Informationen zu "Method for harp"
Verlag: Ricordi Milano Casella postale 1262
Verlagsnummer: ER3039
EAN: 9790041830391
ISBN: 978-1-540-04156-2
ISMN: M-041-83039-1
with an addition of 65 easy and progressive little studies by Ettore Pozzoli
With clarity of style, concepts and exercises, this work illustrates the sharp mind and lengthy teaching experience of Maria Grossi. After introducing all the technical capabilities of the instrument, the exercises develop the proper position of the hand. Exposed in this progressive manner, the student will gradually overcome the subsequent difficulties, and will master in a short time the various demands of harp technique, while producing a clear, bright sound, favoring a full sonority and sweet tone. The small studies by Ettore Pozzoli were written specifically for this work, and they cultivate the technique in a logical manner while making studying enjoyable.