Irish Mandolin Playing (+Online Audio) - A Complete Guide for mandolin/tab
von Philip John Berthoud

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Informationen zu "Irish Mandolin Playing (+Online Audio) - A Complete Guide for mandolin/tab"

Komponist/Autor: Philip John Berthoud
Verlag: Mel Bay Publications
Verlagsnummer: MB99777M
EAN: 9780786687640
ISBN: 978-0-7866-7072-7


This is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in Irish mandolin
playing. As well as being a complete guide for the absolute beginner, this
book also contains a mine of information, useful tips and ideas for the
experienced player. The book takes the reader from the basics of the mandolin
right through to more advanced topics such as creating variations, emphasis,
improvisation, playing with other musicians, practicing effectively and much
more. All the tunes and key exercises in the book are included on the
accompanying 63 track audio download available online. There is no need to
read conventional music notation as all the music is written in easy-to-read
mandolin tablature. However, for those interested in learning about music
notation there is a handy section on this subject tailored specifically to
the mandolinist as well as a chapter on modes.
The Mandolin
First Steps
Double Jigs
Other Jigs
Tradiotional Music and Language
Dynamics or Accenting and Un accenting
Learning New Tunes
Playing With and Learning From Other Musicians
The Weak Little Finger
A Selection of Tunes
Improvisation and Personal Interpretation
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