My first Violin Duets 50 bekannte Duette für Schüler und Lehrer

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Informationen zu "My first Violin Duets 50 bekannte Duette für Schüler und Lehrer"

Verlag: De Haske (Deutschland)
Verlagsnummer: DHP0900207-401
EAN: 9789043131360
ISBN: 978-90-431-3136-0


Dezaire, Nico, ed
Issie dissie dou

Mary hold on

Mary had a little Lamb

Iene miene mutte

One, two, three, four

Paul Jonas
Long, long ago (Bayly)
All Fishes
Put your Handkerchief
Little Pussycat
In Holland there's a house
He's a jolly good Fellow
Little red Riding-Hood
Little Sheep
Between Cologne and Paris
Row your Boat
My Bonny
The Silver-Fleet
Jingle Bells

London Bridge is falling down

Alle Menschen werden Brüder (Beethoven)

Theme from Te deum (Charpentier)

Old Mc Donald

Oranges and Lemons

Melodie (Haussman)

Go tell Aunt Nancy
I go to sleep
Little brown Jug
Angels from the Realms of Glory
What shall we do with the drunken Sailor
The Drummer
Adeste fidelis
The Hobby Horse
Nu sijt wellecome
A lady from Roosendaal
Theme from The new World (Dvorak)
From whom is this hat
Au claire de la lune
The Chimes of Dunkirk

Flute and Drummer

Theme from a Symphony (Haydn)

Sur le pont d'Avignon

Theme from The Wedding (Haydn)

God save the Queen

When our Dog was a Puppy

Are you upstairs Kathy
Oh susannah (Foster)
Winter is over now
Silent Night (Gruber)
O sole mio
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