Popular classics fun for violin and piano
von Barrie Carsson Turner

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Informationen zu "Popular classics fun for violin and piano"

Komponist/Autor: Barrie Carsson Turner
Verlag: Novello & Co
Verlagsnummer: NOV120694-03
EAN: 5020679181119


Ave maris stella - Monteverdi
Bist du bei mir - Bach
Cradle song - Brahms
Danse russe - Tschaikowsky
Au fond du temple - Bizet
Hornpipe - Händel
I vow to thee my country - Holst
Now is the month of maying - Morley
Romance - Cano
Royal march of the lion - Saint-Saens
St. anthony chorale - Haydn
Soldiers march - Schumann
Solveig's song - Grieg
Songs my mother taught me - Dvorak
The policemen's chorus - Sullivan
The shepherd's farewell - Berlioz
Voi ch sapete - Mozart
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