Violin Star vol.1 (+Online Audio) student's book
von Edward Huws Jones

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Informationen zu "Violin Star vol.1 (+Online Audio) student's book"

Komponist/Autor: Edward Huws Jones
Verlag: ABRSM Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
Verlagsnummer: 9781860968990
EAN: 9781860968990
ISBN: 978-1-86096-899-0


47 progressive Pieces for Beginner Violinists

Violin Star is a three-book series offering beginner violinists a refreshing
and inspirational choice of pieces to help build confidence and musical
skills. The repertoire is imaginatively tailored to develop specific
techniques through an exciting range of musical styles.

This Student's book contains the solo violin parts, along with colourful
illustrations, activities and a playalong CD. The Accompaniment book,
available separately, includes piano and violin accompaniments for every

Key features of the series:

An approachable progression from beginner level to Grade 2
Playalong CDs with each Students book, which contain specially created
instrumental arrangements to convey style and mood
Original compositions and arrangements by Edward Huws Jones.


Big Ben [Edward Huws Jones]
Little Ben [Edward Huws Jones]
Musette [Johann Sebastian Bach]
Ready, Steady, Bow! [Edward Huws Jones]
Trick or Treat [Edward Huws Jones]
Fiddle Faddle [Trad. Welsh]
Open-String Boogie [Edward Huws Jones]
Snowflakes [Edward Huws Jones]
A Hundred Pipers [Trad. Scottish]
Swanee River [Stephen Collins Foster]
Vilanova [Trad. Spanish]
Circles in the Air [Edward Huws Jones]
Heading South [Trad. Latin American]
Silent Night [Franz Gruber]
Crocodile [Edward Huws Jones]
Uncle Joe [Trad. American]
Trolls, Orcs and Goblins [Edvard Grieg]
First Finger Rag [Edward Huws Jones]
Witches' Cauldron [Edward Huws Jones]
Peeler's Jig [Trad. Irish]
Tudor Pageant [Edward Huws Jones]
Saraswati [Trad. South Indian]
Friday Evening [Trad. Hungarian]
Jitterbug [Edward Huws Jones]
Jewish Wedding [Trad. Klezmer]
Gows Reel [Trad. Scottish]
On the River [Edward Huws Jones]
Paganini! [Nicolò Paganini]
Strictly Tango [Edward Huws Jones]
London Eye [Edward Huws Jones]
Maiden Fair from The Skill of Music (1674) [John Playford]
All Silk and Satin [Edward Huws Jones]
Too Much Rosin! [Edward Huws Jones]
Happy Hippo [Edward Huws Jones]
Nobody Else but Me [Trad. Greek]
Woodpecker Tap [Edward Huws Jones]
William Tell [Gioachino Rossini]
Old-Timer [Trad. American]
Greek Night Out [Trad. Greek]
Violin Star [Edward Huws Jones]
House of the Rising Sun [Trad. American]
Spanish Steps [Edward Huws Jones]
Twinkle Toes [Edward Huws Jones]
Lady Meng Jiang [Trad. Chinese]
Hampton Court [Edward Huws Jones]
The Collier's Waltz [Edward Huws Jones]
Autumn, from The Four Seasons [Antonio Vivaldi]


Big Ben [Edward Huws Jones]
Big Ben [Edward Huws Jones] - accompaniment only
Little Ben [Edward Huws Jones]
Little Ben [Edward Huws Jones] - accompaniment only
Musette [Johann Sebastian Bach]
Musette [Johann Sebastian Bach] - accompaniment only
Ready, Steady, Bow! [Edward Huws Jones]
Ready, Steady, Bow! [Edward Huws Jones] - accompaniment only
Trick or Treat [Edward Huws Jones]
Trick or Treat [Edward Huws Jones] - accompaniment only
Fiddle Faddle [Trad. Welsh]
Fiddle Faddle [Trad. Welsh] - accompaniment only
Open-String Boogie [Edward Huws Jones]
Open-String Boogie [Edward Huws Jones] - accompaniment only
Snowflakes [Edward Huws Jones]
Snowflakes [Edward Huws Jones] - accompaniment only
A Hundred Pipers [Trad. Scottish]
A Hundred Pipers [Trad. Scottish] - accompaniment only
Swanee River [Stephen Collins Foster]
Swanee River [Stephen Collins Foster] - accompaniment only
Vilanova [Trad. Spanish]
Vilanova [Trad. Spanish] - accompaniment only
Circles in the Air [Edward Huws Jones]
Circles in the Air [Edward Huws Jones] - accompaniment only
Heading South [Trad. Latin American]
Heading South [Trad. Latin American] - accompaniment only
Silent Night [Franz Gruber]
Silent Night [Franz Gruber] - accompaniment only
Crocodile [Edward Huws Jones]
Crocodile [Edward Huws Jones] - accompaniment only
Uncle Joe [Trad. American]
Uncle Joe [Trad. American] - accompaniment only
Trolls, Orcs and Goblins [Edvard Grieg]
Trolls, Orcs and Goblins [Edvard Grieg] - accompaniment only
First Finger Rag [Edward Huws Jones]
First Finger Rag [Edward Huws Jones] - accompaniment only
Witches' Cauldron [Edward Huws Jones]
Witches' Cauldron [Edward Huws Jones] - accompaniment only
Peeler's Jig [Trad. Irish]
Peeler's Jig [Trad. Irish] - accompaniment only
Tudor Pageant [Edward Huws Jones]
Tudor Pageant [Edward Huws Jones] - accompaniment only
Saraswati [Trad. South Indian]
Saraswati [Trad. South Indian] - accompaniment only
Friday Evening [Trad. Hungarian]
Friday Evening [Trad. Hungarian] - accompaniment only
Jitterbug [Edward Huws Jones]
Jitterbug [Edward Huws Jones] - accompaniment only
Jewish Wedding [Trad. Klezmer]
Jewish Wedding [Trad. Klezmer] - accompaniment only
Gows Reel [Trad. Scottish]
Gows Reel [Trad. Scottish] - accompaniment only
On the River [Edward Huws Jones]
On the River [Edward Huws Jones] - accompaniment only
Paganini! [Nicolò Paganini]
Paganini! [Nicolò Paganini] - accompaniment only
Strictly Tango [Edward Huws Jones]
Strictly Tango [Edward Huws Jones] - accompaniment only
London Eye [Edward Huws Jones]
London Eye [Edward Huws Jones] - accompaniment only
Maiden Fair from The Skill of Music (1674) [John Playford]
Maiden Fair from The Skill of Music (1674) [John Playford] -
accompaniment only
All Silk and Satin [Edward Huws Jones]
All Silk and Satin [Edward Huws Jones] - accompaniment only
Too Much Rosin! [Edward Huws Jones]
Too Much Rosin! [Edward Huws Jones] - accompaniment only
Happy Hippo [Edward Huws Jones]
Happy Hippo [Edward Huws Jones] - accompaniment only
Nobody Else but Me [Trad. Greek]
Nobody Else but Me [Trad. Greek] - accompaniment only
Woodpecker Tap [Edward Huws Jones]
Woodpecker Tap [Edward Huws Jones] - accompaniment only
William Tell [Gioachino Rossini]
William Tell [Gioachino Rossini] - accompaniment only
Old-Timer [Trad. American]
Old-Timer [Trad. American] - accompaniment only
Greek Night Out [Trad. Greek]
Greek Night Out [Trad. Greek] - accompaniment only
Violin Star [Edward Huws Jones]
Violin Star [Edward Huws Jones] - accompaniment only
House of the Rising Sun [Trad. American]
House of the Rising Sun [Trad. American] - accompaniment only
Spanish Steps [Edward Huws Jones]
Spanish Steps [Edward Huws Jones] - accompaniment only
Twinkle Toes [Edward Huws Jones]
Twinkle Toes [Edward Huws Jones] - accompaniment only
Lady Meng Jiang [Trad. Chinese]
Lady Meng Jiang [Trad. Chinese] - accompaniment only
Hampton Court [Edward Huws Jones]
Hampton Court [Edward Huws Jones] - accompaniment only
The Collier's Waltz [Edward Huws Jones]
The Collier's Waltz [Edward Huws Jones] - accompaniment only
Autumn, from The Four Seasons [Antonio Vivaldi]
Autumn, from The Four Seasons [Antonio Vivaldi] - accompaniment only
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