Violin Studies op.9 (en/dt/fr/it)
von Otokar Sevcik

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Informationen zu "Violin Studies op.9 (en/dt/fr/it)"

Komponist/Autor: Otokar Sevcik
Verlag: Bosworth & Co.
Verlagsnummer: BOE005164
EAN: 9781846090110
ISBN: 978-1-8460-9011-0
ISMN: M-2016-1438-0


Preparatory Studies in double Stopping
Vorstudien für Doppelgriffe
Etudes préparatoires pour les doubles chordes

Otakar Sevcik's Violin Studies Op. 9 is a comprehensive collection of
preparatory exercises in double stopping on the violin. 58 exercises have
been assembled to give you the best and most versatile approach to playing
chords,harmonies and pedals in your violin playing. The book includes
extensive guidance and performance notes in Italian, French, German and
English. An excellent source of technical challenges that will expand your
musical vocabularyand focus your skills.
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