Shall we gather for hammered dulcimer (with harmonies for dulcimer and other instruments)

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Informationen zu "Shall we gather for hammered dulcimer (with harmonies for dulcimer and other instruments)"

Verlag: Mel Bay Publications
Verlagsnummer: MB97204
EAN: 9780786638444
ISBN: 978-0-7866-3844-4


Macneil, Madeline, arr.
A mighty Fortress is our God
All beautiful the March of Days
Amazing Grace
Be Thou my Vision
Christ the Lord is risen today
Come Thou Font of every Blessing
Evening Hymns
For the Beauty of the Earth
He leadeth me
Here I am Lord
How great Thou art
In the Garden
Joyful joyful we adore Thee
O sacred Head now wounded
Praise the Lord God's Glories show
Shall we gather at the River
Sweet Hour of Prayer
We gather together
What a Friend we have in Jesus
What wondrous Love is this
When Peace like a River
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