Fun Songs for Ukulele 50 popular songs in notation and tablature, plus chord charts
von Ron Middlebrook

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Informationen zu "Fun Songs for Ukulele 50 popular songs in notation and tablature, plus chord charts"

Komponist/Autor: Ron Middlebrook
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00000407
EAN: 9781574241723
ISBN: 978-1-574-24172-3


The Aba Daba Honeymoon
After the Ball
Akahi Hoi
Aloha E Ka Pua
Anglina Baker
China Boy
The Colorado Trail
The Darktown Strutters' Ball
Five foot two
Gentle Annie
Git along little Doggies
The Glendy Burk
Hard Times come again no more
Hawaii Ponoi
Honolulu I love you
Hot Lips
I cried for you
I love you
I'm always chasing Rainbows
I'm sorry I made you cry
Jeanie with the light brown Hair
Ka Moae
Kaimana Hila
ko Hanu Ka'u E Lia Nei
Koni Au I Ka Wai
Lei Lehua O Panaewa
Linger Awhile
Maikai Waipio
Moani Ke Ala
My dear Hawaii
Nelly was a Lady
No no Nora
The old Chisholm Trail
Old Folks at home
Old Paint
Peg O' my Heart
Poli Pumehana
The Sidewalks of New York
Spanish is the loving Tongue
Sweet Lei Lehua
Swingin' down the Lane
Ten little Fingers and ten little Toes
Toot Toot Tootsie
Under the Bamboo Tree
When Francis dances with me
When you wore a Tulip
You've got to see Mamma ev'ry Night
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