Favourite English and American Christmas Songs for accordion für 1-2 Akkordeons

12,50 €
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Informationen zu "Favourite English and American Christmas Songs for accordion für 1-2 Akkordeons"

Verlag: Peer Musikverlag GmbH
Verlagsnummer: PMV11192
EAN: 9790500114963
ISBN: 978-3-95456-056-1
ISMN: M-50011-496-3


Away in a Manger

Deck the Hall

Ding dong merrily on high

Gloria in excelsis Deo

God rest ye merry Gentlemen

Good King Wenceslas

Hark the Herald Angels sing
Jingle Bells
Joy to the World
Mary's Boy Vhild
O come all ye faithful
O little Town of Bethlehem
The first noel
The little Drummer Boy
We wish you a merry Christmas
Winter Wonderland
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