101 popular Songs for accordion

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Informationen zu "101 popular Songs for accordion"

Verlag: Santorella Publications Ltd.
Verlagsnummer: SANTS407
EAN: 9781585608072
ISBN: 978-1-585-60807-2


Latulippe, J., arr
Alexander's Ragtime Band

Baby Face

Bill Bailey won't you pleace come

California here I come

Down by the old Mill Stream

Darktown Strutter's Ball
The Enterainer
For me and my Gal
Give me regards to Broadway
Hail hail the Gang's all here
Hello my Baby
Hot Time in the old Rown tonight
I'm just wild about Harry
In the good old Summertime
Meet me in St. Louis
Schoold Days
Sidewalks of New York

I love you truly

Sweet Adeline

Take me out to the Ballgame

Toot Toot Tootsie Goodbye

While strolling through the Park one Day

You made me love you

Ach du lieber Augustin
Aloha oe (farewell to thee)
Farewell to thee
Danny Boy
Du du liegst mir im Herzen
Mexican Hat Dance
My wild irish Rose
O canada
Havah Nagilah
O sole mio
When irish Eyes are smiling

Santa Lucia

Auld Lang Syne

Away in a Manger

Deck the Halls

The Dreydel Song

Jingle Bells

Jolly old St. Nicholas
Joy to the World
O Christmas Tree
O little Town of Bethlehem
Silent Night
America the beautiful
Anchors away
Battle Hymn of the Republic
The Caisson Song

Marine's Hymn
Yankee Doodle Dandy
You're a grand old Flag
America (my Countr 'tis of thee

My Country 'tis of thee

Star spangled Banner

Amazing Grace

He's got the whole World

Down by the Riverside

Jesus loves me

Michael row the Boat ashore
Old time Religion
Rock of Ages
Swing low
When the Saints go marching in
Barbara Polka
Beer Barrel Polka
Clarinet Polka
Helena Polka
Jenny lind Polka
Little brown Jug
Marine's Hymn
Aura Lee

Camptown Taces


Home on the Range

I've been working on the Railroad

Oh where oh where

My Bonnie

Oh Susanna
Red River Valley
Scarborough Fair
She'll be comin' 'round the Mountain
She'll be coming around the Mountain
Turkey in the Straw
Brahm's Lullaby
Blue Danube
Can can
La donna e mobile
Minuet in G

Ode to Joy

Suprise Symphony

Waves of the Danube

Wedding March (Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin)

Yellow Rose of Texas
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