His Christmas Songs for easy keyboard with guitar chords and complete texts

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Informationen zu "His Christmas Songs for easy keyboard with guitar chords and complete texts"

Verlag: Kevin Mayhew Publishers
Verlagsnummer: KM866
EAN: 9780862098667
ISBN: 978-0-86209-866-7


1. At this time of giving
2. Be patient
3. Can you see what we have made
4. Earth lies spellbound
5. Good news
6. He Is Here
7. He walked where I walk
8. Heaven invites you to a party
9. Immanuel, O Immanuel
10. Like A Candle Flame
11. O come and join the dance
12. Peace To You
13. Since the day the angel came
14. So many centuries
15. Stars in our eyes
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