Alfred's Basic Adult Christmas Piano Book level 1
von Willard A. Palmer

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Informationen zu "Alfred's Basic Adult Christmas Piano Book level 1"

Komponist/Autor: Willard A. Palmer
Verlag: Alfred Music Publishing GmbH
Verlagsnummer: ALF2466
EAN: 9780739003824
ISBN: 978-0-7390-0382-4


Angels we have heard on high

The first noel

God rest you merry Gentlemen

Go tell it on the Mountain

Here we come a-caroling

It came upon the Midnight clear

Jingle Bells
Jolly old Saint Nicholas
O Christmas Tree
O come all ye faithful
Silent Night
Still still still
Up on the Housetop
We three Kings of Orient are
We wish you a merry Christmas
Manus, Morton
Vick Lethco, Amanda
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