Informationen zu "The World's great Classical Music for intermediate to advanced piano"
Komponist/Autor: Johann (Sohn) Strauß
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00220035
EAN: 9780634021671
ISBN: 978-0-634-02167-1
28 Waltzes, Polkas and Quadrilles
The Acceleration Waltz op.234
Artists life op.316
The beautiful blue danube op.314
cagliostro Waltzes op.370
Carnival in Rome Polka op.358
Danube Mermaid op.427
Emperor Waltz op.437
Enjoy life op.340
Die fledermaus overture
DIe fledermaus Polka op.362
Fledermaus-Quadrille op.363
Kiss waltz op.400
Moring Jounals op.279
New vienna op.342
O beautiful may op.375
One heart, one mind op.323
Pizzicato- Polka
Praise of Women op.315
Roses from the south op.388
Sweetheart Waltz op.418
Tales from the vienna woods op.325
A thousend and one nights op.346
Vienna life op.354
Voices of spring Waltz op.410
Where the citroens Bloom op.364
Wine, women and song op.333
You and you op.367
The you're welcome polka op.372