Tex-Mex Rex and other dancing Dinosaurs for piano
von Phillip Keveren

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Informationen zu "Tex-Mex Rex and other dancing Dinosaurs for piano"

Komponist/Autor: Phillip Keveren
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00296353
EAN: 9780634051470
ISBN: 978-0-634-05147-0


Late elementary Level
Composer Showcase
Hal Leonard Student Piano Library
The Brontosaurus Bop
Dancin' Dinos
Lights out at the Fossil Funk
The stegosaurus Stomp
Tex Mey Rex
The Triceratops two-step
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Tex-Mex Rex and other dancing Dinosaurs for pianoTex-Mex Rex and other dancing Dinosaurs for pianoTex-Mex Rex and other dancing Dinosaurs for pianoTex-Mex Rex and other dancing Dinosaurs for pianoTex-Mex Rex and other dancing Dinosaurs for pianoTex-Mex Rex and other dancing Dinosaurs for piano

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