Contemporary Classics vol.2 for piano solo

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Informationen zu "Contemporary Classics vol.2 for piano solo"

Verlag: J. & W. Chester Music
Verlagsnummer: CH61182
EAN: 9780711961234
ISBN: 978-0-7119-6123-4


Masterpieces of the 20th Century
Duro, Stephen, arr.

Nimrod from Enigma Variations (Elgar)

Theme from Symphony nr.5 (Arnold, Malcolm)

March from Rhings to come Suite (Bliss)

Things to come

El majo discreto from colleccion de tonadillas
Colleccion de tonadillas
Saturn from the Planets (Holst)
The Planets
Theme from Symphony no.5 (Nielsen)
Ritual Fire Dance from el amor brujo (De Falla)
El amor brujo
Dance of Spirits of Water from the perfect Fool
The perfect Fool (Holst)
Entry of the Kings from (Menotti)
Amahl and the Night Visitors
Waltz from Suite no.2 (Strawinski)
Elegiac Blues (Lambert, Constant)
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