Jingle Jazz - 17 Christmas standards for piano solo

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Informationen zu "Jingle Jazz - 17 Christmas standards for piano solo"

Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00310762
EAN: 9780634032783
ISBN: 978-0-634-03278-3


Keveren, Phillip, arr.
17 Christmas Standards with a Touch of cool
Caroling Caroling
The Christmas Song
Christmas Time is here
The Christmas Waltz
Feliz navidad
There's no Place like home for the Holidays
I'll be home for Christmas
Jingle bells
Let it snow
Merry Christmas
A merry Christmas to me
The most wonderful Time of the Year
Rudolph the red-nosed Reindeer
Silver Bells
We wish you a merry Christmas
What are you doing new Year's Eve
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Jingle Jazz - 17 Christmas standards for piano soloJingle Jazz - 17 Christmas standards for piano solo