Rule Britannia for piano Music of Pageantry and Patriotism

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Informationen zu "Rule Britannia for piano Music of Pageantry and Patriotism"

Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: AM986106
EAN: 9781846096167
ISBN: 978-1-8460-9616-7


British grenadiers
God bless the prince of wales
Here's a health unto her majesty
Hornpipe (Watermusic)
I vow to thee my country
I was glad
Imperial march
In a golden coach
Land of hope and glory
Menuets (Music for the royal fireworks)
The national anthem
O taste and see
Queen Elizabeth her Galliard
Rondo d minor (Abdelazer)
Rule britannia
There'll always be an England
Thou knowest lord
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace
Trumpet voluntary
Zadok the priest
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