An Anthology of Piano Music Vol.3 The Romantic Period Agay, Denes, Ed

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Informationen zu "An Anthology of Piano Music Vol.3 The Romantic Period Agay, Denes, Ed"

Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: AM10984
EAN: 9780825680434
ISBN: 978-0-8256-8043-4


Albeniz, Zortzico
Alkan, Barcarolle
Brahms,Hungarian Dance No.7
Intermezzo op.117,1
Intermezzo op.119,3
Rhaposdy op.79, 2
Waltzes op.30,1,2,3,15
Etude op.10,3
Etude op.25,2
Mazurka op.7,2
Nocturne op.27,1
Nocturne op.55,1
Polonaise op.26,1
Prelude op.28,11
Preulde op.28,8
Prelude op.28,20
Preulde op.28,15
Prelude op.28,4
Valse op.69,1
Valse op.posth.
Dohnanyi, Postludium from Winterreigen, op.13,10
Dvorak,Polka op.53
Silhoutte op.8,2
Faure,Capriccio op.84,1
Franck, Little Prelude from 'L'Organiste' (C Minor)
Gade,Elegie op.19,1
Glinka,Children's Polka
Farewell Waltz
Grieg, Humoreske op.6,3
Longing for home op.57,6
Notturno op.54,4
Puck op.71,3
Heller, At evening op.158,14
Prelude op.119,29
Scherzetto op.125,5
Liszt,Consolation Nr.3
En Reve
Valse Oubliee No.1
MacDowell,From Puritan days (from New England Idyls) ,op.62,8
In Autum from Woodland Sketches op.51,4
tTo a wild roe
Menelssohn,Song without words op.102,3
Somg without words op.53,4
Scherzo op.16,2
Venetian Boat Song op.19,8
Mussorgsky, In the village
Rachmaninoff,Moment Musical op.16,5
Serenade op.3,5
Rger,Album Leaf
Burletta op.44,2
Schubert, Allegretto (c minor)
Eccosaises /Five)
Impromtus op.90,2
Ländler op.33 and op.67
Moment Musical op.94,2
Moment Musical op. 94,3
Valses Sentimentales
Schumann, At the Inn op.82,6
Child falling asleep op.15,2 (KInderszenen)
Davidsbündler Dances , op.6,11-12
First Loss op. 68,16 (Album für die Jugend)
Important Event op.15,6 (Kinderszenen)
Intermezzo op.26,4
Italian Sailor's Song op.68,36 (Kinderszenen)
Melody op.68,1 (Kinderszenen)
Novelette op.99,9
Phantasy Dances op.124,5
Romanze op.28,2
Soaring (Aufschwung) op.12,2
The Prophet Bird op.82,7
The Reaper's Song op.68,18 /Album für die Jugend)
Sibelius,Pensee Melodique op.40,6
Smetana,Idyll, op.4,2
Tschaikowsky,Chanson Triste op.40,2
In Church op.39,24
Song from the lark op.39,22
Valse-Scherzo No.2 from Op.59
Volkmann,Grandmother's Song op.27,8+10
Wolf, Cradle Song

Littel Prelude from 'L'Organiste' (e flat major)
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