Technic is Fun Prepararory for piano

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Informationen zu "Technic is Fun Prepararory for piano"

Verlag: Warner Brothers
Verlagsnummer: EL02495A
EAN: 9780769297071
ISBN: 978-0-7692-9707-1


Elementary B

Ducks in the Pund (Gurlitt)

Teddy Bear Dance (Kohler)

Grizzly Bear Dance (Kohler)

Rowing in the Park (Berens)

Let's take a Trip (Czerny)

A walk in the Park (Lecouppey)
Up in a Balloon (Lecouppey)
On my Scooter (Schytte)
March of the Trumpeters (Streabbog)
Jumping Rope (Czerny)
Marching in the Schoolyard /Czerny)
Bagpipe Dance (Lecouppey)
Coney Island Beach (Bertini)
Dance of the Flowers (Krause)
See-saw (Gurlitt)
Little brown Rabbit (Lemoine)
Dance of the Marionettes (Berens)
Soldiers in the back Yard (Diabelli)
Pinwheels (Löschorn)

Busy Street (Kohler)

Melody of Spring (Spindler)

Robins on the Laws (Diabelli)

Fairy Dance (Schytte)

Hop, skip and jump (Bertini)

Waltz of the Bluebirds (Duvernoy)

Parade of the Elephants (Schytte)
Flying Fish (Kohler)
Tugboats in the Bay (Biehl)
My little Goldfish (Czerny)
Bicycle ride (Berens)
It's raining (Gurlitt)
Lovely Roses (Spindler)
Bells are ringing (Gurlitt)
Jack and the Giant (Brauer)
In my Garden (Schytte)
Catch me (Schytte)
Wooden Shoes (Schytte)
Up on the Hill (Czerny)
Down in the Valley (Czerny)

The Fox Chase (Gurlitt)

Let's have Fun (Gurlitt)

Babbling Brook (Gurlitt)

The Technic is Fun series offers piano students a series of graded studies
for the development of technic, style, and musicianship. These studies
reinforce the technical requirements found in method books and in standard
piano repertory. The etudes found in this series not only build technic and
musicality but have been carefully selected to provide refreshing recital
repertoire as well as to develop a strong musical and technical foundation.
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