A Century of Piano Music 21 British piano works of the 20th century

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Informationen zu "A Century of Piano Music 21 British piano works of the 20th century"

Verlag: Bosworth & Co.
Verlagsnummer: BOE005126
EAN: 9781847727763
ISBN: 978-1-8477-2776-3
ISMN: M-2016-4056-3


The old musical Box (Goossens)

The Hurdy-Gurdy Man (Goossens)

Suburban Sunday (Lane)

Water-Pearls (Baines)

Black on white (Zebra Music 10, Swayne)

Mazurka no.1 (Berkeley)

Concertina (Scott)
Prelude no.2 (Headington)
The artful Dodger (McCabe)
A Game of Darts (McCabe)
Christmas Past (Bingham)
Cradle Song (Leighton)
4 calling Birds (Bennett)
Miriam's Music (Ball)
All alone (Walker)
The Symbol at your Door (Walker)
6 secret Songs no.6 (Davies)
Elegiac Blues (Lambert)
5 miniature Pieces no.5 (McGuire)
Trembling Wheels (Glasser)

Water Wagtail (Scott)
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