Keep calm and play on (red Book) for piano

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Informationen zu "Keep calm and play on (red Book) for piano"

Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: AM1005037
EAN: 9781780386553
ISBN: 978-1-7803-8655-3


22 Pieces that soothe and inspire
6/11/98 (Talbot, Joby)
Alexandra Park (Metcalfe, John)
Big My Secret (The Piano) (Nyman, Michael)
Candlefire (The Diary Of Anne Frank) (Nyman, Michael)
Close Cover (Mertens, Wim)
Comme Une Rosée De Larmes (The Artist) (Bource, Ludovic)
Comptine D'un Autre Eté (Amélie) (Tiersen, Yann)
Divenire (Einaudi, Ludovico)
Erla's Waltz (Ólafur Arnalds)
Eustace And Hilda (Theme) (Richard Rodney Bennett)
Farewell (Zbigniew Preisner)
Fly (Einaudi, Ludovico)
Graceful Ghost (Bolcom, William)
Hush (Armstrong, Craig)
Kiss The Rain (Yiruma)
Opening (Glassworks) (Glass, Philip)
Prelude No. 2 (O'Halloran, Dustin)
River Flows In You (Yiruma)
Romance (Sylvia) (Yared, Gabriel)
The Art Of Flying (Preisner, Zbigniew)
The King's Speech (Desplat, Alexandre)
Treasure (Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy) (Iglesias, Alberto)
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