Christmas Favourites for piano over 100 carols songs spirituals and classical masterpieces (+ Text)

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Informationen zu "Christmas Favourites for piano over 100 carols songs spirituals and classical masterpieces (+ Text)"

Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: AM948850
EAN: 9780711975842
ISBN: 978-0-7119-7584-2


The Library of Christmas Favourites

Silent Night

The Moon shines bright

It came upon a Midnight clear

O little Town of Bethlehem

All my Heart this Night rejoices

O holy Night
All through the Night
Past three o'Clock
Twas the Night before christmas
Jolly old St. Nicholas
Up on the Housetop
The first Nowell
Angels we have heard on high
Hark the Herald Angels sing
Angels from the Realms of Heaven
Bright Angel hosts are heard on high
Nowell Nowell
While Shepherds watched their Flocks
Rise up Shephers and follow

Bring a Torch Jeannette Isabella

While bay my Sheep I watched at night

Shepherds shake off your drowsy Sleep

Away in a Manger

What Child is this

Coventry Carol

The Huron Indian Carol
Infant holy infant lowly
Slumber Song of the infant Jesus
The friendly Beasts
Lullaby Carol
Beside thy Manger here I stand
Whence comes this rush fo wings
Cradle hymn
Once in royal David's City
See amid the winter's snow
The seven joys of mary
Joseph dearest Joseph mine
Mary had a Baby

Mary had a Boychild

A virgin most pure

As tiwh gladness men of old

We three kings of orient are

Behold that star

Eastern monarchs sages three

Brightest and best
Star of the east
Come all ye faithful
How far is it ot bethlehem
O come o come emmanuel
Christians awake
O come little children
Children go where i send thee
Adoramus te christe
Unto us a boy is born
Joy to the world
Fum fum fum
God rest ye merry gentlemen
I saw three ships

Good christian men rejoice

The happy christmas comes once more

Rejoice and be merry

A child this day is born

As each happy christmas

Go tell it on the mountain

Oh thou joyful day
Dona nobis pacem
Jingle bells
Ding dong merrily on high
Glad christmas bells
I heard the bells on christmas day
He is born
Christmas chimes
O christmas tree
Deck the hall
The holly and the ivy
Christ was born on christmas day
Gather around the christmas tree

Lo how a rose e'er blooming

The cherry tree carol

Herre we come a-wassailing

Hte gloucester wassail

Dame get up and bake our pies

Masters in this hall

Christmas is coming
The boar's head carol
Jacques come here
We wish you a merry christmas
The twelve days of christmas
Auld lang syne
Good king wenceslas
Old welsh new year's song
The star of behtlehem
Jesu joy of man's desiring
Prepare thyself zion
Christmas song
The christmas tree
Ring out wild bells

Jesus of nazareth

Halleluja chorus

He shall feed his flock

I know that my redeemer liveth

A sleigh ride

March of the toys

Ring out wild bells
March of the tin soldiers
Dance of the sugar plum fairy
Dance of the mirlitonsuwaltz of the flowers
Russian dance
Skaters waltz
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