A century of piano music 33 british piano works of the 20th century Grades 1-4

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Informationen zu "A century of piano music 33 british piano works of the 20th century Grades 1-4"

Verlag: Bosworth Edition
Verlagsnummer: BOE005125
EAN: 9781847729569
ISBN: 978-1-8477-2956-9
ISMN: M-2016-4055-6


Deering, Richard, ed
Thoughtful (Iain Kendell)
Fanfare (Michael Hurd)
In Solitude (Felix Swinstead)
Jack junior (Philip Martin)
Jack Tar (Philipp Martin)
Prelude (Alex Rowley)
Fugue (Alec Rowley)
Piebald Circus Pony (Felix Swinstead)
Quajira (Trevor Hold)
Six secret Songs no.1 (Peter Maxwell Davies)
Six secret Songs no.4 (Pater Maxwell Davies)
Triumphant (Iain Kendell)
Contrasts (Michael Hurd)
Frosty Morning (Giles Swayne)
Mysterious Lake (Giles Swayne)
March (Colin Matthews)
Two turtle Doves (Richard Rodney Bennett)
A sad Folk Song (Kenneth Leighton)
Black on white (Giles Swayne)
Frolic (C.S. Lang)
Cello solo (C.S.Lang)
March Hare (Brian chapple)
Carillon music (Michael Ball)
Water Music (Michael Ball)
Sunday Morn (Cyril Scott)
Musical Box (Cyril Scott)
Loneliness (Cyril Scott)
Boating Song (Theodora Dutton)
Aria (Colin Matthews)
The Swan (Kenneth Leighton)
Clockwork Doll (Kenneth Leighton)
The eleven that went to Heaven (Robert Walker)
Blues (Brian Chapple)
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