The Lang Lang Piano Method Level 1 (+Online Audio Access) for piano (en)
von Lang Lang

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Informationen zu "The Lang Lang Piano Method Level 1 (+Online Audio Access) for piano (en)"

Komponist/Autor: Lang Lang
Verlag: Faber Music Ltd.
Verlagsnummer: 0571539114
EAN: 9780571539116
ISBN: 978-0-571-53911-6


Lang Lang Piano Academy
The five progressive books in The Lang Lang Piano Method provide a unique and
imaginative way for complete beginners to learn the piano with the world's
most successful concert pianist, Lang Lang. There's plenty to play all around
the keyboard right from the start. Fun, imaginative pieces develop the left
and right hands equally and supporting audio features exclusive performances
by Lang Lang of the concert pieces. Musicianship is developed through theory
pages and listening to exclusive performances by Lang Lang of piano classics
for children.
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