Denes Agay's Learning To Play Piano - Easy Music Theory for piano

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Informationen zu "Denes Agay's Learning To Play Piano - Easy Music Theory for piano"

Verlag: Music Sales Limited
Verlagsnummer: AM1004003
EAN: 9781780382814
ISBN: 978-1-7803-8281-4


Complementing Book 1 of Denes Agay's Learning to Play Piano, this book makes
music theory fun to learn! Using games and puzzles, it illustrates the music
theory lessons from Book 1 making them much more enjoyable for children to
learn. Puzzles include a Crossword, Odd-one-out, Matching Pairs and many
other simple but intriguing games and brainteasers that teach while they
entertain. By explaining the abstract world of music theory in terms of play,
Easy Music Theory helps children over one of the major hurdles in learning
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