Piano Pieces for adult Beginners for piano

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Informationen zu "Piano Pieces for adult Beginners for piano"

Verlag: Music Sales Limited
Verlagsnummer: AM967450
EAN: 9780825618215
ISBN: 978-0-7119-8501-8


over 100 Selections
Bach: Air On The G String (Orchestral Suite No.3 In D)
Bach: Gavotte
Bach: Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring (Cantata BWV147)
Bach: Minuet in D minor
Bach: Minuet in G
Bach: Partita no.1
Bach: Prelude no.9
Bach: Two part invention no.1
Bach: Two part invention no.3
Beethoven: Moonlight Sonata Op.27,2
Beethoven: Pathetique Symphony Theme
Beethoven: Piano Concerto No.4
Beethoven: Romance in F
Beethoven: Sonata in G
Beethoven: Symphony no.6 (Pastoral)
Beethoven: Symphony no.7
Bizet: Habanera (Carmen)
Boccherini: Minuet
Brahms: Hungarian dance no.6
Chopin: Etude, Op.10,3
Chopin: Nocturne Op.9,2
Chopin: Polonaise Op.53
Chopin: Prelude in E Minor Op.28,4
Delibes: Pizzicati (Sylvia)
Flotow: Ah So Pure (Martha)
Gabriel-Marie: La Cinquantaine
Gounod: Funeral March of a Marionette
Grieg: I Love You
Grieg: Morning (Peer Gynt Suite Op.46,1)
Grieg: Solvejg's Song (Peer Gynt)
Händel: Air (Water Music)
Händel: Allegro
Händel: Hallelujah chorus from Messiah
Haydn: German dance
Ivanovici: Danube Waves
Liszt: Liebestraum
Mendelssohn: Fingal's cave
Mendelssohn: Wedding marches
Mozart: Minuet
Mozart: Piano concerto in Eb
Mozart: Romance from Eine Kleine Nachmusik
Mozart: Rondo from Eine Kleine Nachmusik
Mozart: Sonata in A
Mozart: Sonata in C
Mozart: Sonata for violin & piano
Mozart: Symphony no.40
Offenbach: Can Can (from Orpheus in the Underworld)
Ponchielli: Dance of the hours (La Gioconda)
Puccini: Madame Butterfly themes
Purcell: Trumpet tune
Rimsky-Korsakov: Flight of the bumblebee
Rossini: William Tell overture
Saint-Saens: The Sawn (rom Carnival of the animals)
Schubert: Ave Maria
Schubert: Death & the maiden
Schubert: Marche Militaire
Schumann: Slumber song
Strauss: Emperor waltz
Strauss: Tales from the Vienna Woods
Sullivan: The flower that bloom in the spring (The Mikado)
Sullivan: I have a song to sing-O (Yeomen of the Guard)
Tchaikovsky: June
Tchaikovsky: March (Nutcracker)
Tchaikovsky: Pathetique symphony
Tchaikovsky: Serenade for strings
Tchaikovsky: Waltz (Sleeping Beauty)
Tchaikovsky: Theme (swan Lake)
Verdi: Anvil chorus (Il Trovatore)
Popular Favorites
I Love A Piano
The Sidewalks of New York
Bill Bailey
Give My Regards to Broadway
After You've Gone
In the Good Old Summer Time
I Dream Of Jeannie With The Light Brown Hair
I Love You Truly
Maple Leaf Rag
Look for the Silver Lining
Aloha Oe
Meet Me In St Louis
You Made Me Love You
Down South
My Wild Irish Rose
Aura Lee
The Whistler And His Dog
Liberty Bell
The Band Played On
Folk songs:
Oh When The Stodola Pumpa
Sally In Our Alley
There Is a Tavern in the Town
Vive L'amour
In stilly night
The Kerry dance
The minstrel boy
Havah Nagilah
Auld lang syne
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