Play The Kunz Way vol.4 for piano

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Informationen zu "Play The Kunz Way vol.4 for piano"

Verlag: Music Sales Limited
Verlagsnummer: CCA113740
EAN: 5020679596586


Kunz, Charlie, arr.
This songbook collection features Beethoven Minuet in G (First Movement), an
adaptation of the theme from his Pathetique Sonata, Chopins Nocturne in E
Flat, Schuberts March Militaire and the traditional Londonderry Air.The Kunz
style favoured big, many-layered chords in the right hand with a more
rhythmic underpinning in the left. For instance, the Kunz arrangement of
Beethovens famous Minuet in G (First Movement) transforms a student piece to
a flowing chordal display, which Kunz himself was able to play with grace and
finesse. The arrangements tend to end with the thrill of a rallentando and
chord in the upper registers.Pianist Charlie Kunz enjoyed a twenty-year
careeras a solo pianist touring throughout Britain and appearing on
television and radio. He had originally emigrated to the UK after World War I
to work in a dance band, but his distinctive and winning style soon led to a
solo career performing his own versions of classical favourites.
Londonderry Air
Marche Militaire
Minuet In G
Nocturne In E Flat
Pathetique Sonata
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