Jeux d' Eau for piano

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Informationen zu "Jeux d' Eau for piano"

Verlag: G. Schirmer Inc
Verlagsnummer: HL50501350
EAN: 9780793573042
ISBN: 978-0-7935-7304-2


Great Performer's Edition
Casadesus, Robert, ed
'Jeux d'Eau', (The Play of Water) composed in 1901, was Ravel's first
Piano composition. This work brought together a new pianistic technique and
daring impressionistic harmonies. It is a marvellous blendofbi-tonality,
pentatonicism and impressionism. Ravel wanted the piece played with a crystal
clear, bubbling touch, emphasising the lively, sparkling quality of water.
The title suggests this joyous sensuality. This is aGreatPerformers Edition,
with notes by Gaby Casadesus, wife of the great pianist Robert Casadesus,
according to his notes.
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