A First Book Of Dvorák (+Online Audio) for piano

9,90 €
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Informationen zu "A First Book Of Dvorák (+Online Audio) for piano"

Verlag: Dover Publications Inc.
Verlagsnummer: 0-486-82890-5
EAN: 9780486828909
ISBN: 978-0-486-82890-9


Beginners often find the compositions of Antonin Dvo ák frustratingly
difficult to play, but this introductory volume provides an accessible and
satisfying entrée to the Czech composer's oeuvre. Excerpts from his more
abstract works are presented in manageable samples, with simplified keys and
fingerings, and the pieces are presented in gradually increasing order of
There are an assortment of Dvo ák's well-known and much-loved compositions.
Humoresques is a piano cycle inspired by his sojourn in the United States.
Slavonic Dances was influenced by Brahms' HungarianDances. Flavorful pieces
rooted in folk music, including excerpts from the Czech Suite and Prague
Waltzes and a pair of lively mazurkas are featured. Other highlights include
'Songs My Mother Taught Me,' 'The Noon Witch,' and pieces from cello and
violin concertos and symphonic movements. All thirty-six selections are
available as downloadable MP3s.
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