175 Exertudes Book 2: Intermediate (no.36-70) for piano

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Informationen zu "175 Exertudes Book 2: Intermediate (no.36-70) for piano"

Verlag: Galaxy Music Corporation ECS Publishing
Verlagsnummer: ECS13353
EAN: 9990093610457


Short Pieces for Technical Development and the Exploration of Contemporary
Musical Language
Scale Passages in Contrary Motion
Accented and Staccato Triads
Whole Tone Figure in Contrary Motion
Change of Fingers - Change of Meters
Rapid Left Hand Crossovers
Triads in Alternating Hands
Cluster Chords with Releasing Fingers
Extensions in Pentatonic Mode
Independence of Fingers in Broken Triad Positions
Five Finger Pattern in Two Keys
Five Finger Pattern in Contrary Motion
Broken Octaves
Five Finger Pattern and Extension with a Variation
Rapid Right Hand Repetitions
Alternating Broken Triads
Relay of Triads Up and Down the Scale
Scale and Triads in G Major
Alternation of 5ths
Independence of Fingers in Cluster Chords
Coordination of White Key Pattern and a Black Key Pattern
Staccato and Tenuto 125 Triads
Independence of 2, 3, and 4
Triplet Figures in Contrary Motion
Five Finger Black Key Pattern in Augmentation
Right Hand Phrased Groups, Left Hand Crossovers
Changing Positions be 'Inchworm' Technique
Chromatic Scale in Contrary and Parallel Motion
Legato 3rds and 4ths
Left Hand Broken Chord and Accompaniment (Alberti Bass)
Chromatic and Diatonic Five Finger Patterns in Contrary Motion
D Scale in Augmentation, Inversion, Parallel and Contrary Motion
Right Hand Legato Double Notes, Left Hand Broken Octaves
6ths in Wrist Staccato
Two Over Thumb in a Three Finger Passage
Five Finger Passages in Parallel 10ths
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