Informationen zu "From my Book of Melodies for piano"
Komponist/Autor: Alma Deutscher
Verlag: G. Schirmer Inc
Verlagsnummer: HL00362533
EAN: 9781705130988
ISBN: 978-1-7051-3098-8
This is the first publication to feature the piano music of young English
composer and pianist Alma Deutscher, complementing her recorded album on Sony
Classical. Critics describe her work as indeed miraculous, having the poetry
of Franz Schubert...the grace, lightness and brilliance of Mozart, and wit
and spirit.
The Chase
For Antonia
I Think Of You
In Memoriam
The Lonely Pine Tree
Siren Sounds Waltz
Sixty Minutes Polka
The Star Of Hope
Summer In Mondsee
Up In The Sky
When The Day Falls Into Darkness