Short and easy Manuals Collection for organ

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Informationen zu "Short and easy Manuals Collection for organ"

Verlag: Kevin Mayhew Publishers
Verlagsnummer: KMP1400321
EAN: 9781840038781
ISBN: 978-1-8400-3878-1
ISMN: M-57024-007-4


Tambling: Adagio
Moore: A little jaunt
Rinck: Andante
Schmitt: Andante from Sonatina
Moore: Andante tranquillo
Murray: Andante tranquillo
Franck: Andantino
Higgins: A prayer of peace
Moore: A prayer song
Rawsthorne: Aria
Lloyd: Aria
Marsh: Arietta
Rawsthorne: Arioso
Moore: A sad piece
A short recessional
Tambling: A tuba minuet
Mawby: Calm reflection
Clark: Cantabile
Murray: Canzona
Boëllmann: Chant de Matin
Higgins: Communion prelude
Knott: Country minuet
Lloyd: Cradle Song
Moore: Domine clamavi
Higgins: Elegy
Schütt: Evening Calm
Hill: Festal day
Mawby: Hail the dawn
MacDowell: Idyll
Moore: Improvisation
Boëllmann: Interlude
Hesse: Interlude
Rawsthorne: Interlude
Guilmant: Invocation
Corrette: La Furstemberg
Mawby: Laudate
Lloyd: Mallaby-Deeley's march
Patten: Meditation
Marsh: Meditation at Engelberg
Böhm: Minuet
Haydn: Minuet
Moore: Morning Light
Vann: Our Lady's morning song
Boëllmann: Pastorale
Hill: Pastorale
Guilmant: Prayer
Moore: Prayer to the Trinity
Fibich: Prelude
Lefébure-Wély: Prelude
Merkel: Prelude
Rinck: Prelude in Bb
Franck: Prelude in C
Nielsen: Prelude in C
Bruckner: Prelude in D minor
Boëly Prelude in E Minor
Franck: Prière
Bonighton: Procession to a jaunty tune
Nixon: Promenade
Roe: Reflection
Marsh: Rejoice greatly
Hill: Siciliano
Wesley: Slow air
Fletcher: Stately sortie
Guilmant: Strophe
Warren: The vines
MacDowell: To a wild rose
Terry: Trumpet tune
Croft: Voluntary
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