The Organist's Collection vol.12 - Music from across the Countries for organ

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Informationen zu "The Organist's Collection vol.12 - Music from across the Countries for organ"

Verlag: Kevin Mayhew Publishers
Verlagsnummer: KMP1405623
EAN: 9780862094041
ISBN: 978-0-86209-404-1


Allegretto - Clement Loret
Gebell - Henry Purcell
Communion - Theodore Dubois
Irish Melody - Charles Villiers Stanford
Maysong - Heinrich Hofmann
Melody - Alfred Hollins
New Year's song - Robert Schumann
Pastorale - Felix Mendelssohn
Prelude in A - Frederic Chopin
Prelude in Ab - Johann Rinck
Prelude in Eb - George James Webb
Sonatina - Christian Fink
Voluntary in G - Henry Smart
Waltz - Isaac Albeniz
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