Melodies of the Isles for organ

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Informationen zu "Melodies of the Isles for organ"

Verlag: Kevin Mayhew Publishers
Verlagsnummer: KMP1400509
EAN: 9781848673670
ISBN: 978-1-8486-7367-0
ISMN: M-57042-094-0


32 Service Pieces
All through the Night
Annie Laurie
Auld lang Syne
Cockles and Mussels
Comin through the Rye
Danny Boy
David of the whit eRock
Down by the Salley Gardens
Early one Morning
Flow gently sweet Afton
Land of my Fathers
Loch Lomond
Lullaby on Golden Slumbers
Lullaby on Sweet Nightingale
Morning has broken
My Bonnie lies over the Ocean
On Ilkley Moor baht at
Scarborough Fair
Strawberry Fair
The Ash Grove
The Bluebells of Scotland
The blue Flame
The floral Dance
The Helston Furry Dance
The Lass of Richmond Hill
The last Rose of Summer
The Skye Boat Song
Toccata on Men of Harlech
Wi a hundred Pipers
Ye Banks and Braes
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