The Organist's Collection for organ (pedaliter)

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Informationen zu "The Organist's Collection for organ (pedaliter)"

Verlag: Kevin Mayhew Publishers
Verlagsnummer: KMP1400516
EAN: 9781848675124
ISBN: 978-1-8486-7512-4
ISMN: M-57042-169-5


50 hidden Gems from the sixteenth ot twentieth Centuries
Adagio (William Wright)
Alla Marcia (Jonathan Battishill)
Allegro Comodo (Frank Bridge)
Andante (Jonathan Battishill)
Andante (Arthur Berridge)
Andante (John Stainer)
Andante (Bruce Steane)
Andante (Charles Wood)
Canción Religiosa (Antonio De Cabezón)
Carillon (Herbert Brewer)
Chorale Prelude (Charles Villiers Stanford)
Cláusuales De Octavo Tono (Tomás De Santa Maria)
Cláusuales De Primero Tono (Tomás De Santa Maria)
Diapason Movement (William Walond)
Finale (William Hine)
Fuga A Cuatro (Antonio De Cabezón)
Fughetta (John Stainer)
Gavotta (Giovanni Battista Martini)
Gavotte (Samuel Wesley)
Glorificamus (John Redford)
Impromptu (John Stainer)
In The Cathedral (Bruce Steane)
Interlude (John Attwater)
Interlude (Charles Macpherson)
Intermezzo (Bruce Steane)
Largo (Samuel Wesley)
Lento (Frank Bridge)
Melody (Alan Gray)
Postlude (Walter Porter)
Postlude In G (Ernest Nichol)
Postlude On Song 22 (Charles Villiers Stanford)
Praeludium (Dietrich Buxtehude)
Praeludium Pastorale (John Stainer)
Prelude (Thomas Adams)
Prelude (Bernard Jackson)
Prelude (Ernest Nichol)
Prelude (Benjamin Rogers)
Prelude In G Minor (School Of J.S. Bach)
Prelude On Pange Lingua (Alexandre Boely)
Reverie (John Stainer)
Short Prelude (Thomas Adams)
Short Prelude (George Bennett)
Short Prelude (Myles Foster)
Short Prelude (William Wolstenholme)
Short Prelude In A (John West)
Short Prelude In C Minor (John West)
Tiento De Falsas (Juan Cabanilles)
Tiento Quinto Tono, De Falsas (Juan Cabanilles)
Ut Queant Laxis (Antonio De Cabezón)
Voluntary In A Minor (William Boyce)
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