Oxford Hymn Settings for Organists vo.7 - Holy Communion for organ

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Informationen zu "Oxford Hymn Settings for Organists vo.7 - Holy Communion for organ"

Verlag: Oxford University Press Distribution Services
Verlagsnummer: 9780193400665
EAN: 9780193400665
ISBN: 978-0-19-340066-5


Groom te Velde, Rebecca, ed
Bednall, David, ed
34 Original Pieces on Hymns for Holy Communion
With a host of accessible, quality new settings, and with pieces based on all
the major hymn tunes, these volumes are a must for every church organist's
New settings for organ of tunes suitable for Holy Communion
Fresh, imaginative new pieces, written by a range of experienced organ
composers based in the US and the UK, and displaying a great variety of
styles and approaches
Pieces suitable for busy church musicians at intermediate level working in
all major denominations
Some pieces also suitable for recital use
Registration suggestions that can readily be adapted to suit most instruments
with pedals
Companion website featuring a cumulative index of hymn tunes and contributor
Adoro te devote, Rebecca Groom te Velde
All for Jesus, Malcolm Archer
Anima Christe, Philip Moore
Billing, Simon Lole
Bread of Heaven, Simon Lole
Christ Be Our Light, Phillip A. Cooke
Divine Mysteries, David Gildas
Dove of Peace, Michael Bedford
Gather us in, Rebecca Groom te Velde
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, Malcolm Archer
Hyfrydol, David Bednall
Innsbruck/O Welt, ich muss Dich lassen, Matthew H. Corl
Land of Rest, Pamela Decker
Les Commandements de Dieu, Rebecca Groom te Velde
Let us break bread, Chelsea Chen
Liebster Jesu, Michael Bedford
Living Lord, Malcolm Archer
Nettleton, David Schelat
Pange lingua, Richard Jeffrey-Gray
Picardy, Philip Moore
Rendez à Dieu, Craig Phillips
Rhosymedre, Phillip A. Cooke
Saffron Walden, Amy Summers
St Agnes, David Schelat
St Botolph, Esther Bersweden
St Helen, Richard Jeffrey-Gray
Schmücke dich, Paul Walton
Solothurn, Sarah MacDonald
Song 46, Kerensa Briggs
Stella, David Bednall
Sweet Sacrament, David Biery
Union Seminary, Craig Phillips
Welcome Table, Matthew H. Corl
Woodworth, Pamela Decker
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