English Organ Sonatas vol.1 for organ

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Informationen zu "English Organ Sonatas vol.1 for organ"

Verlag: Ut Orpheus Edizioni s.r.l.
Verlagsnummer: UTOHS299
EAN: 9790215326965
ISMN: M-2153-2696-5


Quinn, Iain, ed
The organ sonatas of William Thomas Best and William Spark are the earliest
examples of English organ sonatas and mark the advent of a tradition that
continues with little interruption until the mid-twentieth century. Although
the exact dates of composition are unknown it seems likely that Sparks Sonata
was written in 1858 and Bests Sonata in 1862.
The date of the Spark is more certain because the cover of the first edition
states that it was performed at a music festival in Leeds Town Hall in
September, 1858. However, it is also possible that both were written earlier.
The cover of the Best refers to him working at Wallasey Parish Church where
he was appointed in 1860. However, that does not preclude the possibility
that he wrote it some years before and published it later.
As discussed in The Genesis and Development of an English Organ Sonata
(2017), the English sonatas had an important pedagogical role jointly
inherited from Mendelssohns very practical and popular approach to the
instrument and the continued European legacy of the lesson-sonata tradition
whereby in learning a piece you also learned the instrument and vice versa.

William Thomas Best (1826-1897): Sonata in G Major
William Spark (1823-1897): Sonata in D Minor
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